Safety Day at Canton Drop Forge

During the first quarter of each year, Canton Drop Forge designates a “Safety Day at the Forge.” A venue is chosen for a presentation by a motivational safety speaker and employees are also provided with a healthy lunch to thank them for working safely.

Presenters have included Brad and Dolores Gardner of Helping Hand Presentations, an electrical safety presentation by Gary Chaddock from American Electric Power, Magic with John Drebinger, LOTO with Kina Repp, Master Lock and Wylie Davidson with Dival”s “Safe 4 the Right Reasons.”

Canton Drop Forge”s most recent presentation was done by John McGillivray. John is the Manager of Safety & Environmental Affairs at Scot Forge Company. Under his guidance, Scot Forge was named one of “America”s Safest Companies” in 2014. John talked about his company”s journey to safety excellence incorporating protocols derived from the “Safe Start” program. They also have found that most incidents occur because of Rushing, Frustration, Complacency or Fatigue.

Canton Drop Forge”s Safety Mission Statement is as follows:

Develop a workplace in which a commitment to housekeeping, safe equipment and following safe procedures is uncompromised and a culture of taking zero chances, all the time, every day, every shift, when no one is watching exists.


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