CDF Forging Information

Canton Drop Forge is committed to providing our customers with information about forging and our forging processes. Learn about the history of forging and some of the new techniques and technology that continues to fuel the industry.

If you need to talk directly to a representative about your forging needs, contact us today!


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The Die Process: Closed-Die Forging Vs. Open-Die Forging

When it comes to deforming metal, there are a few options. But they can generally be classified as either open or closed-die forging. While both utilize the same basic process, they differ when it comes to the use of dies. Let’s go through the definitions and differences.

Forging Materials: Which Do You Need?

We compare the characteristics of common forging materials used today, including stainless steel, titanium, carbon alloys and superalloys. Find out why each of these forging materials is right for certain applications and which is right for you.

What is the Power Forge Process?

Forging is a manufacturing process that results in the shaping of metal by using calculated force. Forging is executed with a power hammer or a die during the shaping process to produce the intended design of the forged metal object.

Most Widely Used Forging Equipment

Even the most talented craftsman needs the proper equipment to do his best work. That’s why Canton Drop Forge has made a massive investment in […]

Canton Drop Forge Rebuilds Rotary Furnace

Earlier this month, Canton Drop Forge commenced production with a rebuilt forge rotary furnace to service and increase the heating capacity for some of its largest hammers.

What’s the Difference Between Forging and Casting?

You may, in the development of a new project or product, find that you need a metal part that doesn’t exist yet or needs to […]

History of Modern Forge Hammers

In the 19th century, forging hammers evolved into similar designs that we still use today. Check out some of the history behind the steam hammer.

The AS9100:2009 Certification

AS9100 is a widely accepted and standardized quality management system for the aerospace industry.  Major aerospace manufacturers and suppliers worldwide require compliance and/or registration to […]

Machinability of Metals

What is Machinability? Machinability is how easily a metal material can be cut or machined. After forging, virtually all parts are machined to remove excess […]

Advantages of Forging Simulation

Forging simulation is an essential part of the forging process for both the client and the forging company. Simulation can include the design of the […]